Why you need to buy and hold gold now?

In the current environment of rising inflation and easy monetary policies, the value of gold could potentially go sharply higher from recent levels.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit wikifx.com official website.
  Unlike many traders out there, the successful gold investor has learned to “see the forest through the trees.”
  Put simply, gold investors understand that the shiny yellow metal is not likely to go straight up in price. It can, however, be expected to trend higher and over time, moving well beyond all-time highs.
  Modern investors, who have grown accustomed to the free-for-all that is the stock market, often find themselves asking why they ought to buy and hold gold. The savvy investor, on the other hand, understands that you cannot afford not to own gold bullion.
  Below are three highlighted reasons to buy and hold physical gold. Ignore them at your peril!
Inflation Is Surging
  The threat of rising price pressures has been the topic of financial newsmedia for several weeks now.
  The price of everyday goods and services has without question shown a sharp rise in recent months.
  As the prices of goods and services are on the rise, the Federal Reserve and other global central banks have voiced their intent to keep their feet on the monetary gas pedal, maintaining rates at or near zero while also continuing to purchase bonds in QE programs.
  As the Fed maintains its status quo, the value of the dollar is likely to decline further, perhaps much further. Recent declines may only be the tip of the iceberg.
Gold Is More Than a Promise
  In the modern world of fiat currencies, nations no longer back their paper money by anything more than a promise.
  The United States, for example, does not back the Federal Reserve Note “dollar” by anything except its good faith and credit since the nation was taken off the gold/dollar peg.
  This makes every dollar nothing more than a promise to pay.
  As the confidence in these promises decline, so does the amount of goods and services they can buy.
  As it takes more dollars to buy goods and services – think everyday items such as milk, bread, gasoline, or electrical service – the real disposable income of dollar [bag]holders declines as well.
  The effects of price inflation are readily felt in the economy.
  Having to cough up more to cover the essential bases, people are far less likely to purchase items such as vacations, new cars, and other such products, preferring to focus on the staples. This can drastically slow economic activity and even put the economy into a full-blown recession.
  As the country continues to borrow, borrow, borrow and spend, spend, spend, NOW is the time to take action to protect yourself from what could be coming down the road.